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时间:2014-06-26 作者: 来源:beat365 点击:

职称 电话
邮箱 简介 教授,博士,建设管理系系主任,工程管理专业负责人


甘露女,1985年出生,研究生学历、博士学位,教授、研究生导师;中国运筹学会企业运筹学分会理事四川省工业与应用数学学会理事四川省系统工程学会理事、四川省建设科技协会科技委员会“青年库专家”。现任四川农业大学建筑与城乡规划学院党委委员、学术委员会主任、重点实验室专职副主任、系主任、学科点负责人、专业负责人,是学校人才培养质量和教学改革项目主持人,重点建设一流课程负责人。2008年四川大学本科毕业,并以硕博连读方式于2013年四川大学博士毕业,毕业入职四川农业大学从事教学科研工作。师从四川大学校长助理,商学院院长徐玖平教授2018年“不确定环境下基于多准则决策的可持续城乡建设项目管理”为题,在四川大学做在职博士后(已出站),于20199月至2020年9月获国家留学基金委全额面上项目资助赴美,以“可持续建设与项目管理”为题在美国LeBow College of Business, Drexel University做访问学者。目前,主要从事可持续城镇化建设管理研究,包括城镇化建设、避灾规划与发展、产城融合等领域的评价与决策理论及相关应用研究。



中文名:甘露      毕业院校:四川大学           职称:教授

:中国 :汉族      






2019/09-2020/09,Drexel University(德雷塞尔大学)LeBow College of Business(勒博商学院)访问学者






担任以管理类知名 SCI/SSCI 期刊 OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science为代表的多个期刊和国际学术会议的审稿人和编委;













  1. Control risk of multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem under hybrid uncertainty. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2015, 5-6:04014044-1.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  2. Decoupling effect and spatial-temporal characteristics of carbon emissions from construction industry in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 7(419):138243.通讯作者,SCI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  3. Optimization of facility location and size problem based on bi-level multi-objective programming. Computers and Operations Research, 2022, 145:105860.通讯作者,SCI/EI检索,中科院区)

  4. A computer-integrated evaluation for supply chain alliance in a bidding environment[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 68(5-8):1203-1217.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院三区)

  5. A computer-integrated FMEA for dynamic supply chains in a flexible-based environment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 59(5-8):697-717.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院三区)

  6. Gathered village location optimization for Chinese sustainable urbanization using an integrated MODM approach under bi-uncertain environment. Journal of Sustainability, 2017, 9(10):1907.(第一作者,SCI/SSCI检索)

  7. Retrofitting transportation network using a fuzzy random multiobjective bilevel model to hedge against seismic risk. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 214(1):1-24.(第一作者SCI检索)

  8. Evaluation for Village Development Based on GRA-TOPSIS Method. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 455:012194.(通讯作者,EI检索)

  9. Evaluation Index System for Optimizing Utilization of Rural Construction Land. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2019:701-712.(通讯作者,EI检索

  10. Research on Village Evaluation Indication System under the Urbanization Strategy Based on GRA-TOPSIS Method. The 2019 International Conference on Clean Energy, 2019.(通讯作者,EI检索

  11. Research on Villages Location Optimization Based on MOP Method. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 170(2):022169.(通讯作者,ISTP检索)

  12. Pan-tourism urbanization model based on system dynamics: a case study of Barkam. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2017, 07.(通讯作者,ISTP检索);

  13. Evaluation on post-earthquake reconstruction community landscape facilities with weighted TOPSIS method. International Conference on Machiner, Materials, Environment, Biotechnology and Computer, 2016, 12.(通讯作者,ISTP检索)


  14. Do geologic hazards affect the sustainability of rural development?Evidence from rural areas in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 339.(第一作者,SCI/SSCI/EI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  15. Lifecycle research of social media rumor refutation effectiveness based on machine learning and visualization technology. Information Processing & Management, 2022, 11(59):103077.通讯作者,SCI/EI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  16. Optimization path of Economy-Society-Ecology system orienting industrial structure Adjustment: Evidence from Sichuan Province in China. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 144.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院二区TOP)

  17. IPO-Based Evaluation of Sustainable Postdisaster Recovery from Stakeholder Perspectives of the Lushan Earthquake. Natural Hazards Review, 2023, 24(2).(第一作者,SCI/SSCI检索,中科院三区)

  18. Sustainable portfolio reequilibrium on wind-solar-hydro system: An integrated optimization with combined meta-heuristic. Energy & Environment, 2022, 1-12. 通讯作者,SSCI检索,中科院区)

  19. Coupling coordination analysis with data‑driven technology for disaster–economy–ecology system: an empirical study in China. Natural Hazards, 2021, 107:2123–2153.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院三区)

  20. A loss-recovery evaluation tool for debris flow. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2019, 37:101165.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院二区)

  21. Sustainable Optimization for China’s Hydropower Project Investment Portfolio Using Multiobjective Decision Analysis[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院四区)

  22. Healthcare Facility Location-Allocation Optimization for China’s Developing Cities Utilizing a Multi-Objective Decision Support Approach. Sustainability, 2018, 10(12): 4580.(通讯作者SCI/SSCI检索,中科院三区)

  23. Multi-objective stochastic optimization for multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling in the highway bridge construction projects. International Journal of Logistics and Transport, 2010, 4(2):81-111.(第一作者)

  24. Evaluation of Modern Service Industry Under Economic Transformation Based on Catastrophe Series Method. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2020, 06.(通讯作者,EI检索)

  25. Evaluation of Modern Service Industry under Economic Transformation Based on Catastrophe Series Method. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. 2019.(通讯作者EI收录)

  26. Evaluating Water Supply Scheme from Urbanization Perspective Based on Weighted TOPSIS. Proceedings of the twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2018:313-328.(通讯作者EI收录)

  27. Research on village urbanization based on fuzzy DEA method, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Project Management. Aussino Academic Publishing House,2017:32–38.(通讯作者EI检索)

  28. Multi-objective optimization of regional water supply management based on PSO with two differential mutations, 2017, 12.(通讯作者EI检索)

  29. Economic evaluation of renewable energy saving technology based on analytic hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis method. 4th annual 2016 International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering, 2016, 12.(通讯作者ISTP检索

  30. Evaluating the quality performance of reconstructive public health service com-munity based on weighted TOPSIS method. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2016, 07.(通讯作者EI检索)

  31. A fuzzy relationship model of FMEA for quality management in global supply chains. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014, 07.(通讯作者,EI检索)


  32. Tourism ecological security evaluation based on dynamic super-efficiency network SBM from the perspective of all-for-one tourism. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023, Accepted.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  33. Efficiency evaluation for urban industrial metabolism through the methodologies of emergy analysis and dynamic network stochastic block model. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023:90.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  34. Coupling coordination degree for urbanization city-industry integration level: Sichuan case. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 58:102136. (第一作者,SCI/SSCI检索,中科院一区TOP)

  35. Evaluation of City–Industry Integration Development and Regional Differences under the New Urbanization A Case Study of Sichuan. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(9): 4698.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院四区)

  36. Sustainable Development of Industry– Environmental System Based on Resilience Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(2):645.(通讯,SCI/SSCI检索,中科院三区)

  37. Economic feasibility analysis for renewable energy project using an integrated TFN-AHP-DEA approach based on consumer utility. Energies, 2017, 10(12):2089.(第一作者,SCI检索,中科院四区)

  38. 基于EWM和AHP的成都高新区产城融合度测评. 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版), 2020, 42(04):355-360.(通讯作者)

  39. Balancing of supply and demand of renewable energy power system: A review and bibliometric analysis . Sustainable Futures, 2020, 2:100013.(第一作者)

  40. Quality risk control for GSC dynamic alliance in large-scale construction projects. 2014 Seventh International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2014, 48:245675.(第一作者,EI检索)

  41. Real estate project DCRM in post-earthquake reconstruction based on the stochastic game model. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2015, 362: 639–649.(第一作者,EI检索)


  42. 新工科背景下工程管理专业课程思政建设路径——以四川农业大学为例. 教育教学论坛, 2022, 4(17):21-24.(作者)。



    [1] 2014.01-2015.12,主持四川省教育厅项目震后重建工程项目风险控制信息集成化管理研究;

    [2] 2015.07-2016.12,主持四川省教育厅项目基于系统动力分析的泛旅游城镇化建设模式研究——以川西北藏区为例;

    [3] 2017.1-2019.12,主持教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目川西北藏族村庄布点优化及政策研究:基于地质灾害风险视角;

    [4] 2018.5-2019.05,主持成都市科技厅项目:成都“东进”战略背景下科技创新深化产城融合发展研究;

    [5] 2018.10-2020.11,主持四川省教育厅项目,供需动态均衡视角下可再生能源投资组合优化研究;

    [6] 2019.03-2020.10,主持雅安市社科联项目:大数据背景下雅安市现代服务业能力评价研究;

    [7] 2019.06-2020.06,主持成都哲学社会科学规划项目,乡村振兴背景下成都市乡村旅游可持续发展水平及发展策略研究;

    [8] 2019.06-2020.06,主持雅安市雨城区经济信息和科技局项目可再生能源综合效益评价技术创新研究助推绿色发展;

    [9] 2020.01-2020.12,主持四川省软科学研究计划项目,生态文明引导下多能互补系统供需均衡管理体制改革研究

    [10] 2021.08-2024.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目,多源数据下面向人口迁移的应急避难所动态规建与智能疏散优化研究

    [11] 2021.06-2022.05主持四川省教育厅项目,成渝双城经济圈县域战略性新兴产业助推传统产业建设研究——以简州新城现代装备产业园

    [12] 2021.06-2023.08主持四川省教育厅项目,重大灾害背景下生态环境的恢复力评估与治理路径研究

    [13] 2023.04-2024.05,主持四川省教育厅项目,红色资源赋能革命老区乡村振兴优化路径及策略研究。


  43. 2003.01-2007.12,参与教育部项目不确定性决策理论与方法

  44. 2008.01-2011.12,参与国家社会科学基金重大招标项目:汶川大地震灾后“经济一社会一生态”统筹恢复重建研究;

  45. 2009.01-2012.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目:大型水利水电工程建设项目集成管理;

  46. 2005.01-2008.12,参与国家杰出青年基金项目决策与对策理论;

  47. 2015.01-2015.12,参与四川省住建厅项目四川省新建绿色居住建筑技术经济评价体系研究;

  48. 2015.01-2017.12,参与四川省教育厅项目川西北高原藏区装配式农村住宅创新模型适宜性研究;

    [5] 2016.01-2018.12参与四川省科技厅项目:广安市前锋区美丽新村建设技术集成与示范;

    [6] 2016.03-2018.03,参与四川省教育厅项目四川省新建5A写字楼技术经济评价体系研究;

    [7] 2017.01-2019.12参与四川省教育厅项目:限额与交易下考虑战略顾客行为的供应链运作管理决策优化与协调;

    [8] 2018.01-2020.12参与四川省科技厅项目旺苍县高阳镇关山村幸福美丽科技新村建设技术集成与示范;

    [9] 2018.01-2020.12主持教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目:大数据驱动的装配式建筑供应链管理策略与协调机制研究--以川西北藏区为例。


  49. 甘露. 建设工程项目风险损失控制理论与实践研究[M]. 四川:西南财经大学出版社,2015.(独著)



  1. 甘露,许弟容,蒋彭燕,胡琳,王立,一种对可再生能源节能技术经济可行性的评价方法,中国,201710108723.7

  2. 张丽丽,侯超平,甘露,李静,闫亮,张凌青,曹迎,一种高性能硅酮密封胶及其制备方法,中国,201410381505.7


  1. 甘露1,胡琳2,蒋彭燕3,王立4,许弟容5,一种基于风能及太阳能电池板的防冻裂太阳能热水器,中国,201720433710.2

  2. 甘露1,王立2,蒋彭燕3,石欢4,陈龙5,一种节能型工程管理用告示装置,中国,ZL201821102640.3

  3. 甘露1,陈秀云2,蒋彭燕3,石欢4,陈龙5,风光联合供能的物料干燥装置,中国,ZL201821111472.4

  4. 甘露1,黄山2,王立3,陈龙4,陈秀云5,新型多功能太阳能公交站台,中国,ZL201821188623.6

  5. 甘露1,陈龙2,黄山3,陈秀云4,石欢5,喷雾降尘装置,中国,ZL201821857758.7

  6. 甘露1;陈迎春2;林志逸3;王沅沅4;陈秀云5, 一种光伏发电并网户外隔离开关,中国,ZL201921195324.X

  7. 甘露1;王沅沅2;林志逸3;陈迎春4;陈龙5, 一种自然灾害监控装置,中国,ZL201921195315.0

  8. 甘露1;石欢2;王沅沅3;陈秀云4;陈龙5, 一种建筑工程质量安全监督管理警报装置,中国,ZL201921707137.5

  9. 甘露1;蒋彭燕2;陈迎春3;林志逸4;黄山5,一种用于新能源空调的风向调节辅助装置,中国,ZL201921707147.9

  10. 温泉儿1;甘露2;王沅沅3;陈迎春4;陈秀云5,一种新型城市新能源路灯,中国,ZL202020019156.5


  1. 甘露1;许弟容2;陈迎春3;王沅沅4;林志逸5,An Evaluation Method for the Economic Feasibility of Renewable Energy-saving Technology,澳大利亚革新,2020103059


  1. 甘露1,许弟容2,王磊3,多输入多输出决策单元间相对有效性计算与调节的可视化操作平台,中国,2018SR515784
















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